® Business Evaluations focus on four critical criteria for commercial viability. The initial focus is on the proposed technology product or service. This analysis emphasizes the state of product/service completion and commercial readiness for user implementation.
The second criteria examines the market capabilities of the target organization. Focus is on proposed promotional channels, promotion techniques and marketing resources and relationships. This criteria also examines target customer characteristics.
The third criteria examines the financial viability of the enterprise. This analysis examines revenue streams, potential for equity funding and debt capacity as well as budgetary requirements for meeting the proposed objectives.
The final criteria is personnel and organization. This analysis addresses network and recruiting issues for purposes of implementing a proposed business plan. Strengths and weaknesses of the existing management team are assessed, with recommendations.
Evaluations are typically conducted using professional in each functional area. Evaluation Teams are sourced by Draughon
® from the MyTechnologyLawyer network of clients and associates with directly related experience.