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Business Plans

MyTechnologyLawyer® Business Plan services include review and consultation, development and drafting as well as promotion and networking in support of your business objectives. MyTechnologyLawyer® Business Plan review and consultation services focus on the elements of your Plan, consistency and whether the Plan is drafted to reasonably meet your proposed objectives. The ability of the organization to implement the plan is also assessed.

MyTechnologyLawyer® Business Plan development and drafting services focus on five major management modules in building your plan. The technology focus emphasizes products and services including processes for innovation, validation and implementation. The financial focus emphasizes budgets, revenues, equity funding and borrowing requirements. The Marketing Plan addresses promotion and distribution models. The Personnel Plan emphasizes networking and senior management talent in Board and Officer positions. The Operational Plan examines resource allocation requirements.

Draughon® Business Plan networking and promotion services include presenting your organization and Business Plan to potentially interested parties in the Draughon® network - including members of the MyTechnologyLawyer Subscriber Community. These services include introductions, highlights of your organization in promotional materials and personnel networking.

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Where to incorporate?
Scott discusses criteria for deciding where to incorporate....


Common Mistakes in Business Planning
Scott addresses three common mistakes entrepreneurs make in drafting business plans.....