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Technology Litigation

The Technology Litigation CD-ROM series features audio segments from the MyTechnologyLawyer Radio Show answering questions concerning litigation, arbitration and mediation of disputes related to transactions.

This CD-ROM is a double set that covers twenty commonly asked questions about Litigation

This CD-ROM covers the basics about Mediation and is a must before you agree to the process!

This CD-ROM covers the basics about Arbitration and will give you some insight in managing the process to your advantage.

This CD-ROM provides an overview of your alternatives and defenses if contacted by the RIAA in connection with music downloading. This CD-ROM serves as a compliment to the RIAA Legal Defense Guide in the Forms Library.

This CD-Rom features Technology Lawyer Scott Draughon taking a look at Legal theories for suing your Computer vendor.

This CD-Rom was recorded LIVE on the MyTechnologyLawyer Radio Show and covers key defenses vendors can use in frustrating customer lawsuits.

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