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Legal Questions commonly asked about Software Distribution

  1. What are the legal risks in Internet advertising?
  2. How do I avoid multiple agents claiming royalties on the same customer sale?
  3. How do I structure territories for agents selling over the Internet?
  4. How can I protect distributor relationships with prospective customers without granting exclusivity rights?
  5. How can developers insure payment of royalties from distributors?
  6. Which trademark is used to distribute the product or service - the developer’s or distributor’s?
  7. Can the developer sue the distributor for losing a sale?
  8. Is the distribution royalty based upon the published price or the discounted price?
  9. Can the VAR customer suit the the original developer?
  10. Who licenses the product to the end-user: the distributor or the developer?
  11. Should the developer let the distributor provide customer support?
  12. Sponsor:

  Legal Questions commonly asked about Software Distribution  

  $12.95/ea. Physical product - CD-ROM  


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