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Legal Questions commonly asked about Website Development

  1. Who owns the photography used on the website?
  2. Who owns the graphics used on the website?
  3. Who owns the code and scripts assembled by the vendor to create the web page for the customer?
  4. Who owns the code developed by consultants and contractors engaged by the vendor in developing the website for the customer?
  5. What are the ramifications of allowing the vendor to operate your on-line store?
  6. Who is responsible for the success of the customer’s website?
  7. When can the vendor demand partial payment for work in completing the website?
  8. How should vendors define user obligations under the website contract?
  9. When should the vendor sign a Confidentiality Agreement to protect customer data?
  10. When can the customer bring a breach of warranty claim against the vendor?
  11. Show sponsor: MyTechnologyLawyer

  Legal Questions commonly asked about Website Development  

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