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Click Here for the MyTechnologyLawyer Radio Show
FREE CD - Legal Questions commonly asked about E-Commerce Applications

  1. Who is responsible for data integrity and back-up in a Website Hosting Arrangement?
  2. Is the Host responsible for Torts committed by the Subscriber using the Host facilities?
  3. Can Transactional Websites sell customer information without customer permission?
  4. Are legal threats from delinquent web hosting customers a legitimate concern for vendors?
  5. Can a Subscriber sue for disclosure of private information in response to a subpoena as a violation of the website privacy statement?
  6. Who is responsible to the Customer for return of money for defective items purchased on the website?
  7. Can the Host Provider be liable for copyright infringement for subscriber applications?
  8. Can the Host Provider be liable for Trademark infringement committed by Subscribers in their Website application?
  9. What are the legal ramifications of selling ads on your website?
  10. What Rights does the customer have in relocating its website to another host provider?
  11. What is the best approach to structuring a 50/50 joint venture in cyberspace?
  12. What is the most “Customer-friendly” approach to implementing terms of use for an E-commerce application?
  13. Show Sponsor:

  FREE CD - Legal Questions commonly asked about E-Commerce Applications  

  $00.00/ea. Physical product - CD-ROM  


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