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FREE BOOK - Legal Questions (Hardcover) - 165 pgs

The MyTechnologyLawyer Legal Questions Handbook (Legal Questions commonly asked by Technology Buyers and Sellers) is a fantastic reference guide that can provide quick answers to your key legal questions. The book will be delivered to you in hardcopy format. Price includes postage. The book features ten chapters.
  1. Chapter 1: Litigation
  2. Chapter 2: Mediation
  3. Chapter 3: Intellectual Property
  4. Chapter 4: Trademark
  5. Chapter 5: Buying and Selling a Technology Business
  6. Chapter 6: Software Contracting
  7. Chapter 7: Website Contracting
  8. Chapter 8: IT Consulting
  9. Chapter 9: Software Distribution
  10. Chapter 10: Corporate Issues and General Questions

  FREE BOOK - Legal Questions (Hardcover) - 165 pgs  

  $00.00/ea. Physical product - CD-ROM  


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