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The Four "A's" of E-Commerce

August 23, 2014

The key to e-commerce success lies in the relationship you have with your user community. While on-line delivery of product and services provides great convenience, it also erects barriers to the rapport necessary between buyer and seller to build trusting relationships. Because of this barrier, E-commerce vendors have to work especially hard at earning the trust of the buyer.

The first step in meeting this challenge is to validate "authenticity". If you are who you say you are, customers will begin to trust your products and services. Be sure your website validates your credentials and provides access to information on your identity. An independent public profile that can be accessed under your name in the search engines helps enormously with this challenge. You can support the development of such a profile by publishing articles, public speaking and participation in interviews with newspapers, radio programs and news agencies.

Your direct "availability" to the user is also important. If the user has a direct telephone number where you can be reached, he or she will be much more comfortable about buying your website offering. Be sure your telephone number is highlighted on your website. If you receive calls, be sure to return them within twenty-four hours of receipt.

Be "accountable". If your user has a grievance, make it good even if it is not your fault. Take time to listen and learn. The user who has erred but is treated fairly will generate exceptional goodwill for your website. A user who is allowed to reverse a transaction will come back and buy again without hesitation because they know you will treat them fairly.

Finally, make your e-commerce offering "attractive" by continually improving value. By providing and enhancing value, you will surpass your competition and stand alone in a unique market niche.

TBy following the four "A's" of e-Commerce you will improve greatly your chances for long term success as an on-line vendor: Authenticity, Availability, Accountability and Attractive offerings.

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