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Using Your Technology Contracts
to Expand Sales

June 23, 2013
Web Edition

Technology contracts that favor vendor interests should provide opportunities to expand sales. Key terms include limited licensing rights allowing the sale of access to the property, as well as limited definitions of the technology. Examples include a patient scheduling system licensed to a single hospital, which later adds a local medical clinic to the roster of users. The addition of the clinic as a user should trigger payment of additional licensing fees. Likewise, enhancements to the technology should also trigger additional licensing fees.

Buyers seek to minimize these costs by negotiating contracts providing expansive rights, thereby reducing costs. Broadly defined licensing rights and expansive definitions of the technology can save thousands of dollars on technology costs.

Expanding sales and reducing costs can also be achieved by insuring your contract terms allow you to grow the vendor customer relationship with minimal additional paperwork. Automatic services and invoice clauses along with work order frameworks allow vendors and customers to tailor their agreements for long-term need. These frameworks allow the parties to contract for contingencies without the requirement of a "new" contract.

The key to achieving these goals is to choose the contract from the MyTechnologyLawyer forms libraries favoring your side of the transaction. These documents reflect the correct bias in expanding sales and reducing costs for your vendor-customer relationship.

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