If you want to keep up with the Technology Industry and issues that affect you and your business, then join your Host Scott Draughon for lively and informative Radio Shows. Scott covers recent decisions, pending rulings and up-coming cases, and answers your legal questions on business and technology issues. Scott also covers technology politics and policy as well as technology industry trends and issues. Listen LIVE as Scott and his co-hosts interview leaders in Silicon Valley, the nation's capital and technologists, business leaders and political activists accross the nation. Send in your questions as well as show topic suggestions by email. Listen LIVE or tune in later at your convenience to hear the archived version of the Show.
The MyTechnologyLawyer audiences include lawyers, business professionals, entrepreneurs and technologists in the Technology Industry. All LIVE shows can be heard Live from the “Listen Now” link above. Pre-recorded programs are organized by category in the banner ads to the right. You can call Scott directly (904) 868-0498 or send emails to radiodgn@gmail.com The "Best" of the MyTechnologyLawyer Radio Shows can also be heard on selected AM Talk stations around the country. You can learn more by searching the name of the show ("MyTechnologyLawyer Radio Show") in Yahoo, Google, MSN or other search engines.