You can participate in the MyTechnologyLawyer Radio Shows in many different ways. Anyone can listen live or take advantage of our free archives and downloads at no cost from any location, any time, anywhere. You can also call-in toll free (866-685-7469) and send emails ( either during the live performances or afterwards in response to a recorded version. Calling-in and emailing are great ways to get your message out on the show at no cost and bring visibility to you and your products and services. Our guests will usually respond back quickly, allowing you to expand your network to include these business leaders.
Guests: Guests are by invitation from the Host/Producer of the Show. You can listen to the featured audio on this page to learn about getting on the show and how to make the most of your guest appearance. You can also listen to several recordings that discuss guest issues and questions the MyTechnologyLawyer Legal Questions Database in the Consultations Section of the website (search on “radio”). All interviews are Live by telephone and there is NO COST. The MyTechnologyLawyer Radio Shows are call-in shows so additional guests are welcome. Association guests featuring a trade show event will often have their speakers and sponsors on the show to highlight their events.
- Features: Features are produced at No Cost by the MyTechnologyLawyer Radio Show Studios and are also by invitation. Feature Segments consist of regular appearances on the MyTechnologyLawyer Radio Show for six consecutive weeks. These features are usually one segment long, averaging 8-11 minutes each. Features focus on you and your organization - your issues- and give you a chance to build audience by allowing you to plan and perform your own show segment with the help of our host and production staff.
- Pilots: Pilot shows are also produced at No Cost and give you an opportunity to host your own show. These shows are carried under the media name of the participating organization and give you access to the desktop of your members, constituents and partners as well as cross promotion to the audiences of the MyTechnologyLawyer Radio Shows. These shows cover “hot topics” and guests of your choice in consultation with the Host/ Producer. Pilots typically run for six consecutive weeks.
Sponsored Programming: MyTechnologyLawyer also hosts and produces sponsored shows. These shows are funded by sponsors and are weekly events designed to advance and promote the sponsoring organization.