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Tech Forms Overview

Table of Contents


Employee Oriented

Employer Oriented



Intellectual Property




Technology Services

Technology Marketing

General Business

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Effective employee management in the technology enterprise involves allocating intellectual property rights. Technologies purportedly brought to the new job from previous employment should be certified by the new employee. Employers should seek written assignment of copyrights, patents, trademarks and trade secrets they expect to accrue to their ownership from the employment relationship. Commission and stock ownership rights should be clearly stated, along with employer termination and personnel administration policies. Care should be exercised in concluding recruiting arrangements to minimize the risk of unqualified hires and excessive recruiting fees. The purported language addressing these issues will differ depending upon whether the agreement favors the employee or employer.

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of more than 100 attorneys around the country who have used our resources. Find answers to your questions using our extensive library of audio questions and answers. If you need help you can contact Scott directly at (904) 868-0498 or send emails to his personal attention at

What's in the Employment Library

The Employee Oriented Sub-Library includes an inventory of employment agreements resolving typical employment negotiation issues in favor of the employee.

The Employer Oriented Sub-Library includes an inventory of employee agreements resolving typical employment negotiations issues in favor of the employer.

The Administration Sub-Library includes various draft contracts for negotiating ancillary employment issues including retaining independent contractors, a recruitment agreement, severance agreement and an employment manual.


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