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Tech Forms Overview

Table of Contents

Technology Marketing

Agency Related


Software Marketing

Sales Commission

Video Marketing

Reseller Agreement

Royalty Agreement

Distribution Agreement


Intellectual Property




Technology Services


General Business

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Although technology marketing arrangements are as varied as the number of technology services and products, there are some general paradigms. Those arrangements involving personal selling techniques typically involve retaining and educating agents to sell sophisticated customers a complex product. Less sophisticated products can be distributed using distribution relationships under standard pricing and advertising techniques. Shrinkwrap sales can be accomplished through retail relationships, while video sales might involve celebrity promotions. These activities all involve legal risks incidental to customer warranties, pricing and fee allocation, retention of intellectual property rights and technology or product access.

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of more than 100 attorneys around the country who have used our resources. Find answers to your questions using our extensive library of audio questions and answers. You can contact Scott directly at (904) 868-0498 or send emails to his personal attention at

What's in the Marketing Sub-Library

The Software Marketing Agreement is structured to retain agent support for a low-end software product.

The Commission Schedule provides a framework for incentivizing employee sales of technology product.

The Video Promotion Agreement documents corporate participation in the production costs of a sports/entertainment video.

The Reseller Agreement documents a technology product arrangement under which the reseller purchases and resells product to the end customer.

The Royalty Agreement provides a legal framework under which one party to the Agreement pays the other party an amount of money that is determined (and derivative of) sales.

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Scott Draughon discusses the different types of marketing perspectives.

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